Одиграна представа “Џандрљиви муж“ у Бачкој Тополи
9. oktobar 2021.
Учешће на ФЕДРАС-у
15. oktobar 2021.As the traditional time of FAMUS is approaching, which is the end of November, and epidemiological situation caused by the corona virus is still not stable, we inform you that we still do not know if the festival can be realized live or online, but it will definitely happen. Although it is best to listen to music live, last year’s online festival enabled the participation of a large number of competitors from abroad, and we can proudly say that it was an intercontinental festival, because we also had participants from America. In addition to a large number of competitors from Serbia, musicians from Croatia, Bulgaria, Austria, Scotland, Spain and Ireland also appeared. Many thanks to all participants of the 36th Famus online. Now,we invite them and all those interested in participating in the 37th FAMUS. If you think you have a quality song, send it to us and together with a short biography. The audio-video recording should be recorded by the rear – facing camera of the phone in a minimum resolution of 1920x 1080 (16: 9). If the resolution is higher that is not a problem. It is very important that you take into account how the frame looks, because in case of the online festival, that is the clip we will use.We inform participants from abroad that if due to epidemiological situations they are not able to come to the festival live (if it is broadcasted live), their song will be broadcasted via video beam, and in that way they will participate in the festival. When you are satisfied with your recording, send it via Wetransfer to the email:[email protected]. The competition is open until 1.11.2021.Then we will inform you about the date of the event and whether it will be live or online.